Maintain a query history that you can revisit. Find and review all SQLite databases in a folder structure. Add different formats for dates and times in individual fields. Print the report to a HTML/XLSX/CSV/PDF and save your SQL query with the report. Preview a report with custom headers/footers/formatting. Highlight SQL errors if you choose to create queries by hand (no errors if you use the drag and drop visual query designer). Iteratively go back and modify your SQL if the results are not as expected. Choose which columns you want to see in the grid/report. See the hex that relates to a particular record and identifies exactly where in a DB/journal/WAL the record comes from. Export a selected blob or all blobs in DB to a file. Display latitude and longitude fields on a map. Display a number as meaningful text (sent/received/draft etc.). Import pictures held in the file system to associate and display in a query/report. Find and display pictures in blobs (JPG, PNG, GIF, TIF etc.). #Db browser for sqlite extension mac
Convert numbers to dates (Unix10/13, Windows 64 bit, NSDate/Chrome, Mac absolute and more). See the resulting table in a grid form and further sort and filter results. View the resulting SQL select commands of the above. Add groups, aliases and where clauses if required. Perform more complex visual joins on multiple tables. Perform a simple visual select on some or all of the fields in a table. Break down complex Binary Plist and facebook orca2 blobs and perform queries on resulting data. Identify multiple previous database states from DBs with WAL files. Automatically recovered deleted and partial records from DBs and associated journals/WALs. Incubator extensions are also available for download. Vote for your favorites! Popular ones will make their way into the main set faster. zorder: map multidimensional data to a single dimension. unionvtab: union similar tables into one. uint: natural string sorting and comparison. stats2 and stats3: additional math statistics functions. spellfix: search a large vocabulary for close matches. pearson: Pearson correlation coefficient between two data sets. isodate: additional date and time functions. define: create scalar and table-valued functions from SQL. decimal, fcmp and ieee754: decimal and floating-point arithmetic. cron: match dates against cron patterns. compress and sqlar: compress / uncompress data. closure: navigate hierarchic tables with parent/child relationships. classifier: binary classifier via logistic regression. cbrt and math2: additional math functions and bit arithmetics. btreeinfo, memstat, recsize and stmt: various database introspection features. bloom: a fast way to tell if a value is already in a table. besttype: convert string value to numeric. I’m gradually refactoring and merging them into the main set: They may be too broad, too narrow, or without a well-thought API. These extensions haven’t yet made their way to the main set. There are precompiled binaries for Windows, Linix and macOS. stats: math statistics - median, percentiles, etc. fuzzy: fuzzy string matching and phonetics. fileio: read and write files and catalogs. crypto: cryptographic hashes like MD5 or SHA-256. These are the most popular functions missing in SQLite: I plan to write in detail about each module in a separate article, but for now - here’s a brief overview. Something like a standard library in Python or Go, only for SQLite. So I started the sqlean project, which brings the extensions together, neatly packaged into domain modules, documented, tested, and built for Linux, Windows and macOS. As a result, there are a lot of SQLite extensions out there, but they are incomplete, inconsistent and scattered across the internet. Fortunately, the authors provided an extension mechanism, which allows doing almost anything. There are few built-in functions compared to PostgreSQL or Oracle. It’s a miniature embedded database, perfect for both exploratory data analysis and as a storage for small apps (I’ve blogged about that previously).